Somaditya Basak

Software Developer

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

Algorithms, data structures and competitive programming solutions
Java 1 1
Payments API using Go, gRPC, Protocol Buffer, Google Cloud Platform (Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Spanner, Cloud SQL, Storage, Stackdriver Logging, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.)
Open source framework to rapidly prototype full stack e-gambling or sports-betting apps.
Rust 0 0
React app for visualizing the proportion of time remaining on tasks.
TypeScript 0 0
RU102J: Redis for Java Developers
Java 1 0
Product Catalog Microservices: For demo of service registration and service discovery using Spring Cloud & Netflix OSS
Java 1 0
M220JS: MongoDB for JavaScript Developers
JavaScript 1 0
M220J: MongoDB for Java Developers
Java 2 0
SIM Card API: Verifone HackerEarth hiring challenge (published after event ended)
Java 1 0

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.